Peptides 29, 649-650.H.A. Bern, From fish tail to human brain. Preface, Peptides 29 (2008) 649-650.Bern, H. A. (2008). From fish tail to human brain. Preface. Peptides 29, 649-650.Bern HA. From fish tail to human brain. Preface. Peptides 2008;29:649-50....
Histological analysis indicated a higher degree of testis maturity in YY super-males compared with XY males, as shown by larger spermatogenic cyst, more spermatids and fewer spermatocytes in the spermatogenic cyst. Moreover, five miR-200 family members were significantly up-regulated in testis when ...
In focusing on a comparison of the human brain with the fish brain alone, and omitting mention of the evolution of the vertebrate brain, Rose's article seemed biased and anthropocentric. From fish to man, the brain has the same structures, arranged in the same way. The only exception is t...
In experiments on campus, the U of G team has tested how pelagic fish thrive in littoral habitats and vice versa. Axelrod said it's too early to draw any conclusions that might link performance with brain size. In adult humans,brain sizevaries much less and is likely less important than ...
Zhao98used single-objective JSO to classify brain function in human brain function parcellation. Experimental results show that that the new method not only has a greater searching ability than other partitioning methods, but also can obtain better spatial structures and stronger functional consistency....
Fish Histology: From Cells to Organs, 2nd Edition provides up-to-date information that emphasizes the relationships and concepts by which cell and tissue structures of fish are inextricably linked with their function. The book also describes the most recent developments in the sciences of fish histo...
human [11], and many adult-type behaviors of cavefish emerge in this stage, including higher adherence to a vibration stimulus (vibration attraction behavior [VAB]) [57], less social affinity, and longer swimming distances compared to surface fish. After 5 weeks of KD feeding, both ketone ...
A more stringent cutoff value is required for the assembly of fingerprints produced using high-information-content fingerprinting (HICF) [27] compared to the assemblies of fingerprints produced by agarose gels. However, the use of too stringent a cutoff value could lead to a split of many ...
More recently, studies using single-cell low-coverage whole genome sequencing (scL-WGS) to analyze similar tissues reported much lower aneuploidy levels (0.7–2.2% in the adult human and murine brain and <5% in murine hepatocytes)11,12,13. These studies suggested that somatic aneuploidy is much...
In order to study the utility of this tool for behavioral experiments, we compare its output with human judgements from an attempt at crowdsourcing the video annotation. Based on the user study, the tool has been found to be accurate by a large margin of 50%, compared to humans. To ...