these cichlids like meat and will eat smaller fish placed in their aquarium. They're also large, reaching up to 21 inches. If you're curious abouthow fast cichlids grow, you'll be surprised to know that it's around an inch every month!
The Cory Catfish is typically found in streams, ponds, marshes, and within larger rivers but prefers a shallow, murky, slow-moving stream. These bottom-dwelling fish are popular aquarium species that require at least a 10-gallon tank. They are non-aggressive, long-living, and adapt well to...
My Aquarium: Fish, Plants, Eels, & SnailsOur daughter, Shaylee, messed around with a 2.5 gallon and a couple bowls with goldfish and betas, but our son, Piers, when he turned 10 or so, wanted a big fish tank. Ten gallons seemed big to me, but this past spring I decided 20 ...
Our fish aquarium maintenance experts are fresh and saltwater fish keeping experts. Call us for water changes, algae control, filter upkeep and medication, we’re here to help you with your aquarium-related tasks.
Still, if you’re looking for a rare fish to keep in your aquarium, here are a few of the best options, no matter what type of tank you keep. The 12 Rare Pet Fish Breeds 1. Zebra Shovelnose Catfish Image Credit: Pavaphon Supanantananont, Shutterstock Adult size: 24–48 inches ...
Minimum Tank Size: 20 gallon aquarium Water Temperature: 77 – 82 °F pH: 6 – 7.5 Hardness requirements: 6 – 14 dGH Diet: Omnivorous Bolivian Rams are another great choice for a smaller tank. These dwarf cichlids tend to hang out at the bottom of the aquarium, where they add a splas...
A post shared by Aquarium Kind (@aquariumbarkind) Scientific Name: Puntius rhomboocellatus Difficulty Level: Intermediate Temperament: Semi-aggressive Adult Size: 2 inches Minimum Tank Size: 60-gallon tank Diet: Omnivores Origin: Borneo, Indonesia ...
It’s best to keep multiple Cory Catfish in your aquarium, as they are peaceful community fish that get along well with most species. They are usually active during the day but can be active at night as well. When keeping Corys, ensure you have at least a 10-gallon tank. They can th...