Fish & Game New Zealand Private Bag 3010 Rotorua 来自 喜欢 0 阅读量: 16 作者: A Garrick 摘要: 4. DISCUSSION...74.1 Occurrence of lead poisoning in New Zealand...74.2 Interspecific differences...
Cole JW (1970) Structure and eruptive history of the Tarawera volcanic complex. N Z J Geol Geophys 13:879–902 Google Scholar Cooper GS (1851) Journal of an expedition overland from Auckland to Taranaki by way of Rotorua, Tauranga and the West Coast in the summer of 1849–1850 by His...
Lake Okareka and Tikitapu Fish Health Monitoring; Scion Report; SCION: Rotorua, New Zealand, 2007. [Google Scholar] Herrmann, H.; Nolde, J.; Berger, S.; Heise, S. Aquatic ecotoxicity of lanthanum—A review and an attempt to derive water and sediment quality criteria. Ecotoxicol. Environ....