今天安利在Hamilton最好喫的fish & chips - Hutch's On The Beach。 超過70年的老店,當地人的至愛。 一到週末或假期就超爆, 點完餐要等半小時以上。不僅Fish & Chips份量超足, ice cream也是超大, 而且價錢很公道。 店裡保留了傳統的點唱機和冰球遊戲檯, 可以看著湖景邊吃邊玩。 不遠就是Confederation ...
34]. FISH is a great system for identifying chromosomal abnormalities. It can be applied to genetic mapping and diagnosis of novel oncogenes, solid tumors, and various cytogenetic disorders. It also has achieved universal acceptance
Bruton MN (1995) Have fish had their chips? The dilemma of threatened fishes. Environ Biol Fish 43:1–27 Article Google Scholar Bruton MN, van As J (1986) Faunal invasions of aquatic ecosystems in southern Africa, with suggestions for their management. In: The ecology and management of bi...