今天安利在Hamilton最好喫的fish & chips - Hutch's On The Beach。 超過70年的老店,當地人的至愛。 一到週末或假期就超爆, 點完餐要等半小時以上。不僅Fish & Chips份量超足, ice cream也是超大, 而且價錢很公道。 店裡保留了傳統的點唱機和冰球遊戲檯, 可以看著湖景邊吃邊玩。 不遠就是Confederation ...
Ross W Hamilton16 contributions 0 Takeaway food staff were well organised. Jan 2020 • none Takeaway food staff were well organised. Food came quickly enough considering they were very busy. My tastes were simple, fish and chips and a milkshake. Seating so you could w...
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