SAP Tcode F010 Description ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change Package FBAS Program Name SAPF010 Screen Number 1000 Transaction Type R Module Financial Accounting The SAP TCode F010 is used for the task: ABAP/4 Reporting: Fiscal Year Change. The TCode belongs to the FBAS package.Important...
From the point of view of the system, a fiscal year change is the opening of a new fiscal year for a company code. At the fiscal year change, the asset values from the previous fiscal year are carried forward cumulatively into the new fiscal year. Once the fiscal year change takes place...
一. 说明 会计年度变式(Fiscal Year Variant)是指每个年份的记账期间信息,包括普通记账期间和特别记账期间的数量。对于普通公司来说,一般记账期间都是以月份计,也就是12个月的记账期间,但还需要若干个特别记账期间进行财务修正;除按月结算外,某些公司是按周结算,极个别的日结算。 系统中已存有一些年度变式实例,可以...
Step 2:-Click SAP Reference IMG Icon, Step 3:-In the next screen, follow the Path Assign Company Code to Fiscal Year Variant. Step 4:– Click Position Step 5:-After selecting a position, update the company code and press enter. Step 6:– In the next screen, Update the fiscal year v...
A fiscal year is divided into posting periods. Each posting period is defined by a start and a finish date. Before you can post documents, you must define posting periods, which in turn define the fiscal year. In addition to the posting periods, you can also define special periods for ...
SAP专业教材资料AJRW Fiscal Year Change.doc,Doc Name FILENAME AJRW Fiscal Year Change Prepared by Meeiling Tsai Date CREATEDATE \@ yyyy/MM/dd 2003/07/28 Module FI Version 1.0 Last Updated: CREATEDATE \@ dd/MM/yyyy 28/07/2003 Page PAGE 2 of NUMPAGES 2 FILE
Fiscal Year Change 此APP实施相关信息: 模块:FIN GUI事务码: 功能描述:Fiscal Year Change OData服务:APJ_JOB_MANAGEMENT_SRV UI5激活SAP应用:/sap/bc/ui5_ui5/sap/nw_aps_apj 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:Asset Accountant; 版本:SAP S/4HANA...
Transaction code: OB29 IMG Path: SPRO > SAP Reference IMG > Financial Accounting > Fiscal year > Maintain Fiscal year Variant Step 1:- Enter SPRO Transaction Code in the SAP Command field and press enter Step 2:- In the next screen, select SAP Reference IMG ...
Hello, Can any one guide me how to do asset fiscal year change, please explain me step by step T.code wise so that can i do better work to close the asset fiscal year.
Undo Fiscal Year Change Purpose To Reopen the Closed Asset Fiscal Year. Prerequisites NA Menu Path To go to the Undo Fiscal Year Change screen, use the following menu path: Accounting Financial Accounting Fixed Assets Periodic Processing Year End Closing Undo Fiscal Year Change Transaction Code OAAQ...