Enactment of Fiscal Responsibility Act SoughtByline: FIL C. SIONILManila Bulletin
拜登说,该协议将债务上限生效日期延缓至2025年1月1日,并表示美国“避免了一次经济危机和经济崩溃”。 【拜登:美国避免了一次经济危机和经济崩溃】当地时间6月2日,美国总统乔·拜登就即将签署的“财政责任法案”(The Fiscal Responsibility Act)在白宫发表全国讲话,该法案将在6月3日由拜登签署,避免美国在6月5日之后...
Senate's GOP caucus to insert $18 billion in the Fiscal Responsibility Act for the Pentagon's fiscal 2024 Unfunded Priority Lists (UPLs) failed, as the amendment by Sen. Dan Sullivan (R-Alaska) did not gain the 60 votes on June 1 required for passage. The amendment would have removed ...
Though the so-called debt limit deal that President Biden and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy struck this spring spared the U.S. from a default on its national debt, the subsequent Fiscal Responsibility Act (FRA) injected substantial uncertainty into the prospect of expanded U.S. government funding...
Today, Friday, June 2, President Joe Biden is expected to sign into law the bipartisan Fiscal Responsibility Act of 2023 (HR 3746), or FRA, preventing a U.S. debt default. The FRA was passed by the U.S. Senate on June 1 by a bipartisan vote of...
| Biden和MaCarthy互相妥协的关于债务上限的法案(H.R.3726-Fiscal Responsibility Act),在众议院通过后,在参议院以63:36得以通过,下图是100位参议员投票情况:除了田纳西州的Hagerty (R-TN)弃权外,共有63位投了赞成票,其中就包含了17位共和党人,分别是Boozman (R-AR),Capito (R-WV),Collins (R-ME),...
1994年6月,第一份政府年度预算案以《财政责任法案》(Fiscal Responsibility Act)的形式通过。其目的在于建立准确、有效 … yss.mof.gov.cn|基于4个网页 3. 财政职责法案 ...法案》(Public Finance Act)和《财政职责法案》(Fiscal Responsibility Act),并构成了其绩效预算的基本法律框架。
Thus, the average difference in outcomes between fiscal rule countries and the ‘closest’ non-fiscal rule countries should be explained by the adoption of rules (see Hainmueller, 2012). In a related paper, Heinemann et al. (2014) find that the impact of fiscal rules on sovereign bonds in ...
equity method (即产权净值法) 吸收法 deforcement (英国财产法) 强占 certified transfer<经>经核证转让 condominium (一种公寓产权的形式) 私有共管 assessment (税额等) 估定 transferor (权利或财产) 让渡人 财务公开 keep the public informed of the financial affairs closing agreement (美国所得税) 结案...
safety responsibility act 安全责任条例 act tax 行为税 fiscal and tax policy 【经】 财务税收政策 Wine Equity and Export Expansion Act (美国)酒类平衡与扩大输出法系指美国一九八四年贸易暨关税法(*Trade and Tariff Act of 1984)第九篇,是一种互惠性的法案,其适用范围仅限于酒及葡萄种植业。内容规定...