Colombia participa en estas sesiones en Ginebra, Suiza, porque fue elegida en octubre de 2024 como miembro de este consejo por la Asamblea General de las Naciones Unidas, con 175 votos a favor MÁS NOTICIASLo Último|Colombia El Al Nassr intercede por Jhon Durá...
The welfare state is grotesquely inefficient. Poor people are being trapped in government dependency. Theright solutionis to get rid of the Washington welfare state. Take all the money currently being spending on redistribution, turn it into a block grant, and give the money to the states and ...
“En el marco del trabajo articulado que desarrollan la Fiscalía General de la Nación de Colombia y el Ministerio Público de la República del Paraguay, se suscribió el día de hoy, en un evento virtual, el ‘Acuerdo sobre la creación de un...
10 Switzerland 685 0.2 Colombia 180 0.3 Jordan 98 1.9 Jamaica 111 2.4 Empty Cell1994US$ mil% GDP1995US$ mil% GDP1996US$ mil% GDP1997US$ mil% GDP 1 Singapore 11,243 14.9 Korea, Rep. 12,607 2.3 Korea, Rep. 13,826 2.4 UAE 12,673 16.7 2 UAE 4439 7.7 Singapore 10,634 11.7 Norway...
In this paper the relationship between fiscal decentralisation and budgetary outcomes of the general government is analysed. Results suggest that fiscal decentralisation is not harmful per se for budgetary discipline, although it is likely to have an adverse effect if predominantly financed by transfers ...
general, la información no lo identifica directamente, pero puede proporcionarle una experiencia web más personalizada. Ya que respetamos su derecho a la privacidad, usted puede escoger no permitirnos usar ciertas cookies. Haga clic en los encabezados de cada categoría para saber más y ...
But since economists in general are lousy forecasters, that’s a shortcoming of the profession rather than an IMF-specific complaint. I’m opining on the IMF because it just had its big annual meeting in Washington and some observations are warranted. Let’s look at some excerpts from Alan...
A country can therefore obtain a maximum score of 18 if it reports all six items for the general government. Similar to the fiscal rules index, we normalize the score for the transparency index to unity; a higher value for the index indicates more budget transparency. Fig. 2 shows the ...
The Comptroller's Office was established in 1923 thanks to the recommendations made by the Kemmerer mission that sought to strengthen and improve control of State power, introducing new institutions of common law in Colombia. However, the Colombian legal tradition has had a ...
The focus of this paper is on the short-term macroeconomic effects of fiscal policy in Colombia in a structural vector autoregression context. Government spending shocks are found to have positive and significant effects on output, private consumption, employment, prices and short-term interest rates...