Next -The First Battlefield Tours Sponsored Links Russia mobilised 12 million men during the war; France 8.4 million; Britain 8.9 million; Germany 11 million; Austria-Hungary 7.8 million; Italy 5.6 million; and the USA 4.3 million. - Did you know?
The cornerstone of this activity is theUCL/Institute of Education (IoE) and Equity Travel First World War Centenary BattlefieldTours Programme (FWWCBTP), a national education initiative funded by the Departmentfor Education (DfE) and Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG).Between ...
The article discusses the use of the British government's First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme to help students engage in critical reflection on history and memorialisation. The author emphasizes the importance of using structured activities to help students process the information they...
Countdown to War Read a single page summary of the origins of the First World War - the tangled secret alliances, the royal feuds, the personalities and the seemingly inevitable series of events in June and July 1914 which culminated in the oubreak of hostilities spanning four years. ...
Tours, Battlefield Townshend, Sir Charles - 1st Kut Communiqué, 1916 Townshend, Sir Charles - 2nd Kut Communiqué, 1916 Townshend, Sir Charles - 3rd Kut Communiqué, 1916 Tow, The Row, Row - Whit Cunliffe (Song, 1914) Toynbee, Arnold ...
On the 10th of August, we had a truly remarkable day: a full day of battlefield tours with our guide Christophe and his daughter. We started in the town itself, visiting the medieval cathedrals of Saint Michel and Saint Etienne and then walking through the streets of this old city. ...
'Remembrance isn't working': First World War battlefield tours and the militarisation of British youth during the centenary Based on empirical research conducted with pupil participants on the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme, this article explores the processes of militarisation pre...
This is a book by a brave soldier, a recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross for his heroism on the battlefield, and a gifted writer. “Serpents of War” is an abridged edition of a nearly 200,000-word World War I memoir that resides in Gettysburg College’s Musselman Library, ...
Guerrillas of Tsavo - Commemorating the East African Campaign of the First World War in Kenya through Battefield Tours, Publications and Awearness
'Remembrance isn't working': First World War battlefield tours and the militarisation of British youth during the centenary Based on empirical research conducted with pupil participants on the First World War Centenary Battlefield Tours Programme, this article explores the processes of militarisation pre...