There's nothing more satisfying that the rapt attention of a first grader listening to a great book! When you want some good first grade read alouds that spark imagination and , head to the library to check out the books on this list! Parents and teachers in search of the perfect book...
Teachers in the treatment condition implemented a 19-week set of read aloud lessons during whole-class read aloud time. Read alouds included the systematic use of narrative and expository texts, before-, during-, and after-reading components, the use of teacher-facilitated text-based discourse, ...
Below you’ll find ideas for read alouds, hands-on activities, and math and literacy must-haves as part of your first week of kindergarten survival guide. These ideas will make school fun for your students and get everyone in the groove while slowly incorporating beginning-of-the-year skills...
If you're looking to add a new title to your list of back-to-school favorites, grab *Sister Anne's Hands.* This isn't a rollicking read-aloud like many of the others on your list, but who said all back-to-school read-alouds had to elicit belly laughs? Take a break and turn you...
The first days of back-to-school can truly set the stage for the entire school year with students. Read-aloud books are a perfect way to get to know one another, encourage class discussions, and figure out which values will define your class’s identity. Here’s a list of our favorite...
Discover everything you need to survive your first year of teaching, from first day teaching tips, to printables and lesson plans, to advice for new teachers.
Comparison students received the school's standard intervention for struggling read- ers. Observations during core reading instruction provided information about the reading instruction and language use of the teachers. There were no differences between the treatment and comparison groups in...
When I got to Tandem, I knew my favorite part of the job would be the interactive Read Alouds. So I started the preparation for it. I would practice my books at home and try out different voices for each character the night before. The day before I visited my first Tandem classroom, ...
It's time to snuggle up beside a cozy fire (or a faux fire on your smartboard) and get ready to read some winter themed tales in your classroom! This list of 20 January read alouds is sure to bring some warmth to your lesson plans this month. Take a look below at my list of fav...
(Pebbles is his favorite!) At any rate, we had a fun first week of school. We always start with movement, so our first day was jumping rope and other movement from Brain Gym and Extra Lesson work, our first grade verses, our seasonal circle, our math games (oh yes! I start right ...