Cabinet Members Mount First Public Defense of Iran Deal.The article reports on a legislative hearing before the U.S. Senate Foreign Relations Committee presented by Secretary of State John Kerry, Energy Secretary Ernest J. Moniz and Treasury Secretary Jacob J. Lew, regarding the nuclear deal with...
B.C. Premier, Cabinet Members Sworn in, Head Straight to First MeetingB.C. premier Christy Clark, cabinet, sworn in--VICTORIA - Premier Christy Clark says the...Meissner, Dirk
Dr. Sebastian Gorka tears off America’s politically correct blindfold and clarifies who our foes are, what makes them think, and how to defeat them.
To help government leaders navigate the first 100 days, we spoke with 11 former US cabinet members (see sidebar “A panel on transitions”) to understand what they did in their first 100 days, including the challenges they faced and what they learned. We also compil...
Over the course of his presidency, however, Washington observed a growing partisan divide between federalist and anti-federalist cabinet members. They quarreled on key issues such as the establishment of a national bank. He worried that party affiliations would harm U.S. politics. In his farewell...
B.CPDAdmiralty courtN(US) →tribunalmmarítimo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005 ...
The scale of the event also falls short of the organizers’ original goals set in 2016. They had aimed to attract 15,000 participants and inject 1 billion Hong Kong dollars (US$128 million) into the economy. The COVID-19 pandemic is largely to blame for...
Or Johnson telling Cabinet members that they wouldn’t dare walk out of his Administration, no one was going to walk out on Lyndon Johnson because they knew that if they did, two men were going to follow their ass to the end of the earth, Mr. J. Edgar Hoover and the head of the ...
They all felt like they could be Cabinet members in a Trump administration. None of them struck me personally as somebody who could actually be president. Burgum, I think his name is, seemed like a bored rich guy who has nothing better to do. Christie I thought was going to come off ...
Former Small Business Administration head Linda McMahon suggested she’s “ready to serve” in a second Donald Trump cabinet — and said the business community should be feeling “very good” about J.D. Vance as Trump’s vice presidential pick. “[Vance] is going to be a good match to...