Our Mission Is To Discover, Celebrate, And Share God's Love - First United Methodist Church 12 21st Avenue Isle Of Palms, Sc 29451worship
At First United Methodist Church in Waynesville NC, we believe that, as a church, we are better together.
"I believe you'll find us to be a place where you can find the love and grace of Jesus, and the encouragement of a church family and friends. This is a place where we are all challenged to make a difference." Rev. Dr. Tim Ozment, Directing Pastor ...
At First United Methodist Church in Waynesville NC, we believe that, as a church, we are better together.
Welcome Nurture Worship Worship Outreach Nurture Worship Who We Are Plan Your Visit Get Involved Souper Bowl Worship at FFUMC Weekender Study Groups Messy Church Doing the good Fellowship Dinners FFUMC KiDS FFUMC Youth 55+ Preschool Souper Bowl ...
The First United Methodist Church of Arroyo Grande is a joyful, active and fun-loving faith community. We worship on Sunday mornings and offer opportunities for Christian growth, fellowship, health and increased well-being all week long. Members represent a wide range of theological and political ...
Ionia First United Methodist Church Existing to create: A Faithful, Caring and Joyful Community of God
Welcome to First United Methodist Churchresumed rehearsals Wednesday evenings at 7:30 pm. Newmembers are welcome. Come join us--no audition necessary.Greg HackettSenior Pastor
Adam Hamilton, Founding Pastor of Church of the Resurrection and renowned United Methodist author and speaker, as he shares insights on Wrestling with Doubt: Finding Faith. Dessert Theater 2025: Generations Shows: Fri, Feb 28, 7pm and Sat, Mar 1, 3 and 7pm, Worship & Arts Center Auction...
Whittier First United Methodist Church is a traditional family-oriented christian church with progressive ideas. We believe that the love of Christ teaches us to embrace all people.