There are so many great credit card options out there, but how do you know what's best for you? Here are some tips for choosing a credit card.
You need to be 18 or older to apply for your first credit card. First-time credit card users should look at secured credit cards or student credit cards as their best options. Using your first credit card responsibly can help you build a credit history. Getting your first credit card is ...
Credit cards are a valuable financial tool on your journey to reaching life’s biggest financial milestones. Here’s what first time credit card owners should know about paying with plastic and building a positive credit history.
Lenders want to be sure you don’t spend more than you can pay back. One rule of thumb for building a strong credit history is to spend no more than 30 percent of your credit limit. If you regularly use your card to cover purchases that you haven’t budgeted for, you can burn throu...
Learn about credit card security Security tips for first-time credit card users Key Takeaways You can build a good credit history by using your first credit card responsibly, including making on-time payments and keeping your balance low. A cash advance from your credit card can be costly and...
Getting your first credit card can be about more than just qualifying for it. Learn how to start building credit with your first credit card.
Get the best first credit card based on relaxed credit score requirements and other important aspects that we help you understand on this page.
- We can approve your credit card application regardless of your credit history¹ - We report to all 3 major credit bureaus: TransUnion®, Equifax® and Experian® - Applying for Firstcard does not impact your credit score EARN CASHBACK² EVERY TIME YOU SPEND ...
Understanding the basics of how to get a card and use it wisely can save you time, money and aggravation and get you on your way to building good credit.
and because I lacked a credit history, I had to put down more than $400 in security deposits. Granted, I'll get this money back in less than a year (as long as I make all payments on time), but those hundreds would still be in my wallet if I had a more robust credit history....