Wingnuts over Red Stick. The malakatude, it burns.Continue readingGret Stet Lege Veto-Override Session Top Ten List Climate Change,Comedy,Congress,COVID-19,Elections,Environment,Jamie O,LBGTQ Rights,Political Crack,Science,So Called Liberal Media1 Comment ...
In a First, Congress Rebukes Obama with Veto Override of 9/11 BillWASHINGTON * The GOP-led Congress has been angling for thismoment: the chance to finally deliver...Lisa MascaroMichael A Memoli
Veto Voided in Historic Override; the Vote, on Staffing Measure, Is a First for a Statewide BillByline: WALTER C. JONES ATLANTA - In a historic move Monday, the Senate joined the House in...By JonesWalter C
DFLers send first big public-works spending bill of the session to Pawlenty; They put up all the votes needed to pass the $334 million bill for college campuses and transit, but not enough to override an expected governor's veto.(NEWS) ...
Lawmakers in both houses of the U.S. Congress this week handed President Bush a major defeat when they voted to override his veto legislation to fund popular water projects. It was the first time in his seven year presidency that the Congress was able to overturn a Bush veto. As VOA's ...
Congress overwhelmingly rejected President Barack Obama’s bid to derail legislation allowing families of the victims of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks to sue the government of Saudi Arabia, handing him the first veto override of his presidency during his final year in office. The Senate took the...
Bush Suffers First Veto OverrideCHARLES BABINGTON
Examines the growing rift among anti-abortion lawmakers about the propriety of research using tissue from aborted fetuses, which could possibly lead to the first veto override of the George Bush's presidency. Expected House action on legislation (HR 2507) to renew portions of the National ...
Senate Joins House to Override LePage Veto for the First TimeAUGUSTA, Maine -- In a unanimous vote Wednesday, the Maine Senateoverturned a veto by Gov. Paul...Russell, Eric
Congress Approves 9/11 Lawsuit Bill, Delivering First Veto Override to ObamaCongress overrode US President Barack Obama's veto of the"Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism...Beck, Christina