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For those preparing for the HCIE-Datacom exam, I want to share some advice. First, you will need comprehensive basic knowledge to understand the entire architecture. Second, you have to run a large number of experiments before taking the exam to help improve your operational skills. Third, you...
Please make sure that you are not using a VPN or a Proxy to connect to a League of Legends server, as they can cause a number of connection issues which will be impossible to resolve! A VPN should only be used to test your connection routing path in very specific cases ...
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Number of Links: 3 There are several reasons for this problem, most of which deal with misconfiguration or a broken topology. When the configuration is corrected the OSPF database discrepancy goes away and the routes appear in the routing table. This document explains some of the more common ...
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Industries with low call complexity, such as retail and not-for-profit, have the highest FCR rates; conversely, industries with high call complexity such as tech support and telcos, have the lowest FCR rates. However, it is not uncommon for industries or call centers that have high complexity...