What are the signs that my child is allergic to the insect? It’s normal for the skin around the insect sting to swell up and get red. But call 911 or go to the emergency room if you see any of these signs of anallergic reaction: Dizziness Hives-- red, itchy bumps on the skin S...
Type 2 diabetesis the most common form of diabetes in which the body doesn’t use insulin properly causing blood sugarlevels to rise Gestational diabetesoccurs becausepregnancyincreases the body's need for insulin, but the body is unable to produce enough The first signs of being a diabetic inc...
The findings, which arepublished onlineOctober 15 inDiabetes Care, therefore point to antibiotic therapy being the logical first choice for the patient population in this trial, those with diabetic foot osteomyelitis and ulcers in the forefoot, lead author José Luis Lázaro-Marinez, PhD, from Uni...
At the local coffee shop a group of senior citizens were gathered round the table. The conversation turned to complaining about ailments, one said his arm was so weak, he could hardly hold a cup of coffee. Another said his cataracts were so bad, he could hardly see...
stroke, and diabetes. If you are worried that you may be becoming obese, there are some signs that you can look for. This blog post will explain several alarming signs that you’re becoming obese. Also, check out thesejuicing recipes for healthand preventing obesity. Now, let’s get start...
Of course both signs told people the boy was blind. But the first sign simply told people to help by putting some money in the hat. The second sign told people that they were able to enjoy the beauty of the day but the boy could not enjoy it because he was blind. The first sign ...
Patrick is a 70-year-old diabetic man with a 2-year history of stable chest pain when he exerts himself. He is awoken from sleep with the acute onset of crushing central chest pain which radiates to his neck and left arm. His normal medications include normally aspirin, a diuretic, a ch...
May be able to support their own weight on their feet when held under armpits Learn more about milestones, growth, and development for your 7-month-old. I don't worry too much about milestones. Every baby is different and meets them faster or slower. But if you're genuinely concerned, ...
What are the signs and symptoms of pulmonary embolism? The most common symptoms of a pulmonary embolus are the acute onset of the following: Chest pain:The pain is often described as pleuritic, a sharp pain that worsens when taking a deep breath. ...
What is the first sign of hypoxia? The earliest signs of hypoxia are: Confusion Restlessness Shortness of breath The other signs and symptoms of hypoxia include: Bluish discoloration of skin, lips, and oral cavity Decreased level of consciousness Cough Fast heart rate Difficulty breathing Sl...