FIRST BASE 就是还在追求阶段,SECOND BASE 则是已经开始明朗化,开始有肢体接触,THIRD BASE 则已经进展到登门入室了。你看棒球比赛,三垒时是不是已经占了垒啦?
the second base开始转移到上半身,the third base 就是下半身。。其他的不要我说了吧。。。
Some people only consider French kissing as getting to first base.Second baseis direct physical contact, usually meaning his hands to her breast. It also includes other forms of petting, touching and groping. Third base may include manual or oral sex for either partner. What does petting mean ...
the ladies' man of the cast, until the third episode to get to first base with any of his prey.Note: You can also useget to second base, to say that you get to the next stage of a sexual relationship.On a date, would it be easier to get to second base with Laverne or Shirley...
1223. second 1224. secretly 1225. sector 1226. security 1227. see 1228. seed 1229. seek 1230. semi 1231. semifinal 1232. send 1233. senior 1234. sense 1235. sentence 1236. separate 1237. serve 1238. service 1239. set 1240. several 1241. severe 1242. sex 1243. share 1244. she 1245....
Nats Third Baseman Ryan Zimmerman Will See Some Time at First Base in 2014
1 5 Firstness,Secondness,andThirdnessBYISABELSTEARNSPeirce'sstatementinthefifthvolumeofhisCollectedPapers,"Theelementsofeveryconceptenterintologicalthoughtatthegateofperceptionandmaketheirexitatthegateofpurposiveaction"(5.212)mightwellbetakentobethekeytohisphilosophy.WeareremindedatonceofthefamousdoctrineofKant:"...
tissue to the digestive gland area and start to produce whole cercariae from single germinal cells following a second round of embryogenesis7. Therefore, from a single miracidium, hundreds to thousands of clonal human-infective cercariae are produced. Extensive knowledge gathered for several decades ...
Many ideas can be correctly expressed in English using both the first and the second conditional sentence structure but each type of sentence changes the meaning noticeably so you really need to be careful about which type of sentence structure you're using. You've got to carefully choose.在...
We conducted an analysis of the vascular surgery regional center reorganization in response to the first and the second wave of the coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to see what lessons we learned from the first wave. Methods The study included a total of 632 patients admitted to ...