First Sea Lord in his role as professional head of the Royal Navy is accountable for safe activity within the Fleet. This paper traces the historical development of a compelling argument that answers the titular question; namely that ships and submarines used by the Royal Navy are both safe to...
There will be frequent mentions of the First Lord of the Admiralty and the First Sea Lord. These are different positions, but sometimes confused. The First Lord is the political head of the Royal Navy, equivalent to the US Secretary for the Navy. This post was sometimes held by an admiral...
first sea lord 是什么意思 中文翻译与英英解释 〔英国〕海军部军事委员会第一军事委员。 first: adj. 1.最初的,最早的。 2.最上等的,第一流的。 ... sea lord: 海军大臣〔英国〕〔海军部四个海军首长之一〕。 The First Sea Lord is the professional head of the Royal Navy and the whole Naval ...
Admiral John Arbuthnot Fisher (1841-1920), often referred to as the greatest Royal Navy Admiral since Nelson, returned to office as First Sea Lord for a short period before his dramatic resignation over the conduct of the Gallipoli affair led to Winston Churchill's banishment to the political ...
During his earlier term as First Sea Lord Fisher had overseen the development of the mammoth dreadnought class of battleship (the first of which, HMS Dreadnought, entered service in December 1906).Germany, determined to develop a navy equal to that of Britain under the direction of both the ...
Following the introduction of submarines in several navies, Admiral Sir Arthur Wilson, the First Sea Lord of the British Royal Navy, stated in 1901 that submarines were "underhanded, unfair, and damned un-English", and that he would convince the British Admiralty to have the crews of enemy su...
Contemporary opinion of Milne was, on the whole, unfavourable. AdmiralJohn Fisher, the formidable former (and soon to return) First Sea Lord, regarded Milne with contempt, attributing (correctly) his successful naval career to be based upon royal favouritism. ...
Lord Strathcona’s Horse in 1916, moving behind the front line (a000119). Despite the negligible use of cavalry on the Western Front after the first months of the Great War, the cavalry remained at the forefront of the minds of those planning Allied offensives. In Great Britain, the Genera...
She served as Nelson's flagship for two years, and a small plaque marks the spot on deck where he fell at Trafalgar in 1805. The First Sea Lord Admiral Sir Thomas Hardy (who was Victory's captain at Trafalgar) gave Victory a reprieve from the scrap yard at his wife's insistence. In...
A matter of days after the action at Jutland, in June 1916Lord Kitchener, the war minister and hero of Khartoum, visited Scapa Flow en route to Russia on a diplomatic mission. He and his staff subsequently boarded HMSHampshireand put to sea through Hoy Sound. ...