What Is a Right of First Refusal (ROFR)? How Does the ROFR Work? An ROFR is an agreement between two parties: the owner of the asset and the holder of the right. In real estate, it usually appears as a clause within a lease or another contract that allows its holder to buy the pr...
经查证,Investopedia对Rights of First Refusal的英文解释为:Right of first refusal (ROFR), also known as first right of refusal, is a contractual right to enter into a business transaction with a person or company before anyone else can. If the party with this right declines to enter into a ...
综上,Preemptive Right为“优先认购权”,Right of First Refusal为“优先购买权”,翻译时应加以区分。
Furthermore, a well-crafted ROFO clause offers essential protections by specifying how and when the offer will be presented, along with an accepted pricing method to avoid inflated valuations that can sometimes hinder transaction success. How ROFO Differs from Right of First Refusal (ROFR) ...
Parent Clauses Right of First Refusal Open Split View Download ShareCite Establishment of Right of First Refusal. Subject to the first and prior rights, if any, of American Electric Power Services Corporation, as agent for Columbus Southern Power Company (“AEP”), pursuant to the AEP ROFR Let...
right-of-first-refusalmeet-the-competition clauseWhen the seller of an asset grants a right-of-first-refusal to a buyer, this special buyer has the opportunity to purchase the asset at the best price the seller can obtain from the other potential buyers. We show that the right-of-first-...
Use of Right of First Refusal Procedures in a Clause See All Right of First Refusal Procedures clauses Open Split View ShareCite Right of First Refusal Procedures has the meaning set forth in Section 2.02(b). “Securities Act” means the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended.Sample...
在《元照英美法词典》中,First Refusal的释义为“优先购买权”,在所有人表示接受要约的情况下,要约人选择以与第三人真诚提出的要约相同的价格和条件优先购买某物的权利。 在Black’s Law Dictionary(eighth edition)中Right of First Refusal的释义为 “A potential buyer's contractual right to meet the terms of...
Right of first refusal clauses are similar tooptions contractsin that holders are granted rights but not obligations. With an ROFR, the right holder has the right, but not the obligation, to match or decline to match an offer already made on an asset by another party. The person who owns...
In a procurement first-price sealed-bid auction with risk-averse suppliers, we determine the conditions under which the buyer has an incentive to grant a supplier a right of first refusal. We show that this clause can lower the buyer's expected cost when suppliers (the incumbent and new supp...