Define first quarter moon. first quarter moon synonyms, first quarter moon pronunciation, first quarter moon translation, English dictionary definition of first quarter moon. n. The phase of the moon at which the moon, as viewed from Earth, appears to be
Learn about the basics of moon phases and the lunar cycle. Study the appearance of a first-quarter moon and learn why this phase occurs.
Define first quarter. first quarter synonyms, first quarter pronunciation, first quarter translation, English dictionary definition of first quarter. n one of the four principal phases of the moon, occurring between new moon and full moon, when half of t
first quarter noun Astronomy. the instant, approximately one week after a new moon, when one half of the moon's disk is illuminated by the sun.Discover More Word History and Origins Origin of first quarter1 First recorded in 1905–10Word...
performance in the first quarter demonstrates the continued execution of our clear strategy of delivering [...] 友邦保險第一 季的業績表現 優秀,反映我們能持續執行目標明確的策略,實現優質的新業務增長,並彰顯我們 為股東締造強勁和可持續回報的實力。 It was revealed that Max had...
Quarter Moon:这个表达与“first quarter moon”相近,但可能需要根据上下文来判断是指上弦月还是下弦月。在没有其他上下文的情况下,“quarter moon”可能指的是月亮周期的任何一个四分之一阶段。 注意:虽然这些表达在某些情况下可以替代“first quarter moon”,但它们可能具有不同的细微...
美 英 n.上弦月 例句
🌓- First Quarter Moon, Aliens: The first half of the month, Teachers: 50% First Quarter Moon use teachers in mathematics lessons to explain what 50% mean. 🌓 First Quarter Moon use stingy Emojis to promote their products for half price. If buyers see the 🌓 First Quarter Moon ...
将“first quarter moon"自动翻译成 中文 月亮的第一季度 Glosbe Translate 错误 Google Translate 添加示例 在上下文、翻译记忆库中将“first quarter moon"翻译成 中文 变形干 匹配词 所有精确任何 First quarter(six to nine days past newmoon) is generally considered the best time to observe theMoonfor the...
The First Quarter Moon is a primaryMoon phasewhen half of the Moon’s face is lit up. Whether the lit up half appears on the left or right depends on where you are on Earth. The First Quarter Moon rises around midday and is visible in the day sky. ...