最近投稿一篇,被接受了。现在投稿系统中的状态是“First Proof with Author”,但是我也收到有关proof...
“The author does make a considerable effort to keep things as accessible as possible, with fairly detailed explanations, extensive motivational discussions and homework problems … . this book provides a different way of looking at the subject of differential geometry, one that is more modern and ...
This is the psychological effect that leads to herd mentality. What in marketing can be associated with social proof.Moore’s LawMoore’s law states that the number of transistors on a microchip doubles approximately every two years. This observation was made by Intel co-founder Gordon Moore in...
Third Draft:The proofreading phase. This is a final polish where you’ll correct things like typos and errors in grammar and spelling. For most writers, four or even five drafts work better for developing the story and getting it ready for publication. Proofreading should always be the last ...
Prescribing the right drug with the right dose is a central tenet of precision medicine. We examined the use of patients’ prior Electronic Health Records to predict a reduction in drug dosage. We focus on drugs that interact with the P450 enzyme family,
Message-Id: <foo.12345.author@example.com> Your Message-Id is<foo.12345.author@example.com>. This example will be used below as well; make sure to replace it with the correct Message-Id for yourprevious cover letter- that is, if you’re sending v2, use the Message-Id from v1; if...
The first author of this work (S.H.) held the rod of the prosthesis or exoskeleton and eventually moved the Styrofoam head. Therefore, this was no clinical study. To show the proof-of-concept of our new system, two separate videos are attached: one for the gripping system with the ...
That goal is the proof of a conjecture concerning prime numbers: whole numbers that are divisible only by one and by themselves. Primes abound among smaller numbers, but become less and less frequent as numbers grow larger. In fact, on average, the gap between each prime number and the next...
They also find that a fluvaccine suspended in their film compares favourably with atraditional flu shot(流感预防针).“The study demonstrates early proof of concept for an excitingplatform for vaccine product development,” says Lisa Rohan, apharmacologist, who was not involved in the study. She ...
The proof is based on the reversibility of the Markov process that is obtained under the random service discipline. By means of a counterexample, it is shown that the extension cannot be made for closed network with two or more stations. 展开 ...