Kent Blackwell, a stargazer and astrophotographer of Virginia Beach, Virginia has captured images of the Great Orion Nebula, otherwise known as Messier 42, with his newly purchased 80-millimeter refractor and digital SLR camera on December 23, 2005. M...
This is my first ever astro photograph, always loved looking up and seeing Orion so it was only right to take a picture of part of it. You can also see the reflection nebula in the bottom left corner and the running man/orion nebula in the top right. Camera - Canon 200D • Mou...
Wow! Here's one of my best (thus far). PS- That's a bright Geminid meteor which I guess wanted it's picture taken too! Rick ---Rick Lat. 44.18 N Long. 74.31 W 6" STAR HOC f/5 Newtonian 'Amanda'- Orion Astroview w/ dual axis drives Celestron NexImage CCD Imager 10x50 bino...
Sub-Mariner – Motion Picture Funnies Weekly #1, 1939; Marvel Comics #1. 1939 Suicide Squad – Brave and The Bold #25, 1959; Legends #3 (New Team), 1986 Sun Boy – Action Comics #276 Sunder – X-Men #169 Sunfire – X-men #64, 1970 Sunpyre – Uncanny X-Men #392 Sunspot – Mar...
pose for a picture after the signing of the Artemis Accords, Wednesday, November 1, 2023, at the Dutch Ambassador’s Residence in Washington. Netherlands is the 31st country to sign the Artemis Accords, which establish a practical set of principles to guide space exploration cooperation am...
distant celestial bodies, but it was not until the late nineteenth century that they were first used to document their discoveries. On the night of September 30, 1880, American amateur astronomer Henry Draper obtained the first astronomical photograph—a picture of the Great Nebula of Orion. ...
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V906 Carinae (circled) shines near peak brightness in this image taken on March 23, 2018, three days after the nova was discovered. The beautiful cloud of gas and dust dominating the picture is part of the Carina Nebula. Credit: Copyright 2018 by A. Maury and J. Fabrega, used with per...
Star Crusades Nexus is an epic military science fiction series that chronicles humanity's first steps into the Orion Nebula, and the great conflict that awaits them. This compendium edition contains the full text of the first three novels, Legions of Orion, Machine Gods and Heroes of Helios....