直通率直通率First Pass Yield FPY : 是一个生产线产出品质水准的一项指标,简单的说,生产线投入100套材料,在制程之中第一次就通过所有测试的产品的良品数量就是所谓的直通率,因此经过生产线的重工Rework或修复才通过测试的产品不列入FPY的计算。上述的定义,在实务的计算上有其困难,因为投入批量的大小不一,...
'first pass'在其他领域的应用 除了上述领域外,'First Pass'在其他领域也有广泛应用。例如,在生产线管理中,直通率(First Pass Yield,FPY)是衡量产品质量和生产效率的重要指标,它反映了产品首次通过质量检测的比例。在文献阅读和学术研究中,'First Pass'可以指代对文献的初步阅读或快速扫描,以...
直通fpyyield通过率rty缺损 直通率直通率FirstPassYieldFPY:是一个生产线产出品质水准的一项指标,简单 的说,生产线投入100套材料,在制程之中第一次就通过所有测试的产品的良品数量 就是所谓的直通率,因此经过生产线的重工Rework或修复才通过测试的产品不列入 FPY的计算。上述的定义,在实务的计算上有其困难,因为投入...
内容提示: 直通率 直通率(First Pass Yield, FPY) : 是一个生产线产出品质水准的一项指标﹐简单的说﹐生产线投入 100 套材料﹐在制程之中第一次就通过所有测试的产品的良品数量就是所谓的直通率﹐因此经过生产线的重工(Rework)或修复才通过测试的产品不列入 FPY 的计算。 上述的定义﹐在实务的计算上有其困难...
直通率(First Pass Yield, FPY) 直通率(First Pass Yield, FPY)是一個生產線產出品質水準的一項指標﹐簡單的說﹐生產線投入100套材料﹐在製程之中第一次就通過所有測試的產品的良品數量就是所謂的直通率﹐因此經過生產線的重工(Rework)或修復才通過測試的產品不列入FPY的計算。
Explore how First Pass Yield (FPY) measures production efficiency and quality, showing the percentage of products made right the first time without rework.
Calculating rework and scrap cost is relatively straightforward, provided the production line's first pass yield (FPY) is known. The effect of placement yield on rework costs: a benchmark study of cost as a function of various yield rates and line capacity By the time a customer receives the...
First pass yield (FPY) is a metric that indicates the percentage of items moving through a series ofprocesseswithout any problems. The basic equation for first pass yield is: First Pass Yield = Process 1 Yield * Process 2 Yield *…*Process ‘n’ Yield ...
First Pass Yield (FPY), also known as throughput yield, measures quality units produced as a percentage of the total units that began the process. There’s a very straightforward reason for manufacturers to track and improve FPY: Reducing waste. When scrap parts are created, or units that req...
First pass yieldimprovement action planfishbone diagramThe objective of this study was to improve First Pass Yield (FPY) and reduce the defect rate of a product. Nowadays, the competitive manufacturing background illustrates that the customers always demanding higher quality in product. Therefore, ...