与命题逻辑类似, 推理可转化为判断公式是否为永真式的问题, 该问题同样可用消解法(归结法)求解. 与命题逻辑类似约定: 原子公式或者非称为文字;由文字构成的公式称为子句; 没有文字的公式称为空子句, 仍记为λ. 合一 对两个公式 p 和q , θ 是一个代换, 若有 SUBST(θ,p)=SUBST(θ,q) , 则代换 ...
LogicNLI(Tian et al., 2021)引入了 FOL 推理的诊断基准,首先自动生成逻辑表达式,然后用简单随机的主谓词替换逻辑表达式中的实体和属性占位符,构建数据集。与 LogicNLI 不同,FOLIO 中的示例是由专家根据现实世界的知识创建的。如表1所示,FOLIO是第一个在FOL中具有形式逻辑注释的大规模一阶逻辑(FOL)推理数据集。
First-order Logic 实际上,一阶逻辑是一种形式系统(Formal System),即形式符号推理系统,也叫一阶谓词演算、低阶谓词演算(Predicate Calculus)、限量词(Quantifier)理论,也有人称其为“谓词逻辑”,虽然这种说法不够精确。总之,不管怎么说,一阶逻辑就是一种形式推理的逻辑系统,是一种抽象推理的符号工具。 我们要注意...
First-Order LogicChapter 8
COMPSCI 761 Lecture 07: First-order Logic Inference -- Logic Programming 139 -- 59:54 App COMPSCI 761 Lecture 01: Introduction to Logic 113 -- 1:00:01 App COMPSCI 761 Lecture 02: Propositional Logic 40 -- 59:54 App COMPSCI 761 Lecture 04: Agents Driven by Propositional Logic 16 -...
First-order Predicate LogicInformal definition:The world consists of objects, i.e., things with individual 'identities'and 'properties'
First Order Logic First Order Logic (First Order Predicate Calculus) (First Order Predicate Calculus) • Propositional logic had limited ontology: –World consists of facts. • First order logic: –Objects (boxes, people, schools, …); –Relations (above, bigger than, …); –Properties (re...
This chapter is devoted to classical first-order logic. Our presentation is similar to the one conducted for propositional logic. We first define the syntax of first-order logic, followed by its semantics. Next we define a proof system for it and present the fundamental theoretical results of ...