The article reports on the efforts of Sheila Fraser, Canada's Auditor General, to reveal the huge shortfalls in federal programs and services designed for the country's First Nations.EBSCO_AspIndian Life
March 21, 2024 Treaty One Territory, Manitoba AMC Communications Treaty One Territory, Manitoba – The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs (AMC) continues its call for major reform in light of Auditor General Karen Hogan’s report on First Nations policing. The report, released on M...
the joint education action plan and recommendations from the 2019 auditor general of Canada’s report to improve education outcomes for Indigenous and rural students and implement changes that incorporate Yukon First Nations culture and languages in ...
2006, Swan Lake First Nation, Manitoba, Canada, attended by the Rolling River First Nation, Tribal Council, a wind energy financier and Foundation staff; (b) identified developers and funding for a wind energy project for the Swan Lake First Nation and hosted meetings with...
NTV Uganda
Watchdog flags First Nations police problems--OTTAWA - The federal First Nations policing program...Bronskill, Jim
Diekmeyer, Peter
Former Auditor General Routinely Went First-When Guidelines Said That Class Should Be the Exception; HIS ROLE WAS TO MONITOR PUBLIC VALUE FOR MONEYByline: MARTIN SHIPTONWestern Mail (Cardiff, Wales)
This historical study provides an account of the Australian Audit Office from its formation in 1901 until the end of the term of Australia's first Auditor-General in 1925. The Audit Office was created to assist the Commonwealth Government in discharging and reporting on its accountability for the...
Department of Linguistics, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB R3T 2N2, Canada * Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. (This article belongs to the Special IssueNative Speech Perception in the Context of Multilingualism and Language Learning) ...