The E7 was Electro-Motive's first in the series featuring the now-classic "bulldog" nose. As Brian Solomon notes in his book, "Electro-Motive: E Units And F Units," the ease of War Production Board restrictions on domestic diesel locomotive production enabled EMD to unveil a redesigned pas...
At the time of the U25C's production most railroads remained hesitant to use six-motored locomotives in main line applications. While GE saw lower sales of the U25C by comparison to its four-axle counterpart the builder still managed to sell 113 examples to a variety of railroads. The U25...
Given the size of the turntable, it's probable that this was from when the line first opened, and was used to swap helper locomotives in and out. Also, at various points along the line, in particular after certain gradients, wyes are found to allow locomotives to be turned. Chad Salt...
Another Scot, Robert Davidson of Aberdeen, built a prototype electric locomotive in 1837. A bigger, better version, demonstrated in 1841, could go 1.5 miles at 4 mph towing six tons. Then it needed new batteries. This impressive performance so alarmed railway workers (who saw it as a threat...
Internally theAcelauses the latest in electric locomotive technology such as silicone oil-cooled transformers and the ability to operate under different voltages (anywhere between 11,000 to 25,000 volts). Even though the train is currently the fastest in he country, the NEC's limitations handicaps...