After Oddjob introduced evil henchman into the series, Jaws became the first bodyguard to appear in multiple films. Richard Kiel debuted as the steel-toothed subordinate to Karl Stromberg (Carl Jurgens) in "The Spy Who Loved Me," but the character was so popular that he returned to work for...
Bill Skarsgard(Pennywise the clown in the most recent movie version of Stephen King’s IT)is great as the evil Count but a tad too mouldering for me, as I mentioned earlier. I prefer my men to come without maggots and plague sores, to be brutally honest. I also prefer the dressed-for...
Love at First Bite for Jaws Movie Fanatic; despite Fear of SharksRead the full-text online article and more details about Love at First Bite for Jaws Movie Fanatic; despite Fear of Sharks.Daily Post (Liverpool, England)
The First Purge is, well, sort of the Jaws: The Revenge of 4th entries — only this is a prequel.I could list prequels that, had they been the first films in their series, would likely have resulted in the sequels we’d been given, but we’re here to discuss the politically ...
Steven Soderbergh’s 2024 Included A ‘Star Wars’ Binge, A lot Of ‘Jaws,’ And Tons Of True Crime 1/7/2025 by The Playlist The Playlist Guillermo del Toro picks It’s a Wonderful Life as his favorite Christmas movie 1/6/2025
“This year marks the 50thanniversary of Massachusetts introducing the industry’s first instant ticket, and next summer will mark the 50thanniversary of the theatrical release ofJAWS,” said Mark William Bracken, Executive Director of the Mass Lottery. “What better way to celebrate ...
Steven Spielberg's classic blockbusterJawsis heading to Netflix in September, and the sequels will also be coming to the platform. The movie was based on Peter Benchley's book, which was published just one year before Spielberg released his breakout movie. While the director previously worked ...
What are some of his famous films about? Jaws (1975) ___ ET (1982) ___ Jurassic Park (1993) ___ Schindler’s List (1993) ___ Saving Private Ryan (1998) ___ 1.Jaw is about a big white shark that attacks and eats swimmers. 2. ET(1982) is about...
In April we'll get a long-awaited re-issue ofJoe Dante'sPiranha, which is arguably one of Corman's finest productions -- even if it is a thinly-veiled Jaws wannabe. Your choice of standard special edition or blu-ray. Yes, that's right:Piranhaon blu-ray. Pinch me. But don't pinc...
The novel,Jaws, pioneered the thriller through Benchley’s masterful prose that slowly built suspense through scientific detail and graphic shark attacks. While Spielberg’s adaptationredefined the summer blockbuster, the novel taps into the primal fear of the ocean’s unseen horrors through the foresh...