1 Short Stories 能够阅读精简的故事往往给刚学的孩子极大信心。短句,配比上趣味生动的图片,单纯的认识和探索思维相辅相成。亲子阅读,往往让孩子的学习事半功倍。适时的讲出图片提供的更多信息,包括人物角色和背景设置等。 2 Reading Comprehension Activities 阅读理解相关题型的设置,让孩子对阅读材料进一步的深入了解。
Funny Short Stories Funny short stories from my first graders so inspire me, I have to stop, take a second, and jot down the funny things my kiddos say. [VIDEO] Teacher Stories Funny Teacher Stories are true stories and real-life stories collected from my first grade classroom. Teaching F...
“I never had summer—I had summer school. First grade, summer school. Second grade, summer school. Thirdgradesummerschoolfourthgradesummerschool. In fifth grade, I vowed I would get interested in fractions, the presidents of the United States, Mesopotamia; I would learn my English.” Why we...
DWhen I was in first grade, my teacher Mrs True gave notice one day, “Now that we have studied the varioustypes of poems, we're having a poetry contest this week. You have two days to come up with your best poem."As my classmates wrote about their parents, grandparents, aunts and...
It’s important for them to have access to decodable books that let them put their new skills to work. Two series we especially love for first grade classroom libraries areHalf-Pint Kidsby LuAnn Santillo andExpress Readersby Elise Lovejoy. They have fun stories and lots of books available ...
When I was in first grade, my teacher Mrs. True gave notice one day, "Now that we have studied the various types of poems, we're having a poetry (诗歌) contest this week. You have two days to come up with your best poem." As my classmates wrote about their parents, grandparents....
I got my first period when I was in the 6th grade and it was during PE. I was the first of my friends to get it and because of that, I was embarrassed. All of the other girls had said they haven’t gotten theirs and that it was SO early for someone to get theirs so I was ...
And then the teacher come to the laboratory, find the books from Class 3 of Grade 1 and start moving them separately. I moved Character and Life to the classroom on the fourth floor in one go, while the other students also moved the book back and forth until they finished. Everyone was...
First Grade Reading: Literature Understanding Text From Short Stories Worksheets- This should be a skill that most first graders master early and review often. [RL.1.1] Comprehending and Retelling Key Details of Stories- We focus on comprehending the key events of the story. [RL.1.2] ...