That’s a big grade in real life, so maybe that was normal, but it pretty much killed my ride after a bit. In real life, at the very least, I could hop off and walk the bike, but that wasn’t going to happen here. Admittedly, I’m nowhere close to the strongest rider. ...
The summer of 1980 was a good one except for the looming reality that I would have Mrs. McLaughlin for fourth grade come September. Mrs. McLaughlin was a veteran and had been teaching the same lessons in math, English, and social studies for more years than my mother had been alive. I ...
Visualizing Learn and apply this critical reading instruction strategy Visualizing refers to our ability to create pictures in our ... TEACHING RESOURCE Lesson Methodologies There are many different ways in which you can effectively teach your students. Learn about many different methodologies... ...
Read about some teachers' favorite first-day read-aloud books. Then share your own favorite on our message board! Included: Reading aloud on the first day isn't just for little kids! Back to School Books Make the Grade! It's that time again! Kids begin looking forward --with ...
Ramaswamy, when answering a question about lagging test scores on what’s called “The Nation’s Report Card,” said he would eliminate the Education Department, and he called the lack of a quality education “the civil rights issue of our time.” It’s common for Republicans to call one ...
I thoroughly enjoyed reading the Jane Pillow article. Both she and Graham, but primarily Jane, had a profound influence in my life. She was my sixth grade teacher at John Daniel Elementary. By the time I arrived at John Daniel in the mid- 1950s, it was on the decline and considered a...
Reading this book in 12th grade made me feel super grown up. I wanted to be an architect and I admired Howard Rourk’s independent spirit. I was a polar opposite to Rand’s philosophy, but I plowed through all her books in high school—and loved them all. I even wrote a children’s...
Rachel Graham is a student of(56)Grade 8from New Jersey Middle School.Here is his report card of school year.He learns six subjects.Of all the subjects,he has three"A"in the first semester.In (57)the second/2ndsemester he has two"A".His Chinese is(58)not above/belowaverage.Even ...
Comments and viewsWhen the Blackmagic Camera App reaches a more mature state, it would be obvious to compare the two apps, under equal conditions, the same scene and look for differences in approach.If you like to grade everything by yourself in Davinci Resolve (Studio) or FCPX you'd ...
I feel that the proofreading for THE BOOK was better than that for the items forwarded herewith! Bye! Steve." He died four months later. I can still hear him chuckling over this email, however. He loved a good laugh! The author of the clever comments accompanying these unintentionally ...