A Fun Day: 1st grade reading and spelling worksheet- Give your students reading, writing and spelling practice with this individualized story. Kids can complete the page several times, each time with a different outcome. Be sure to check out my collection ofFun Spelling Worksheets for grades 1...
The 1st grade reading comprehension worksheet activities below are coordinated with the 1st grade spelling words curriculum on a week-to-week basis, so both can be used together as part of a comprehensive program, or each part can be used separately. The worksheets include first grade appropriate...
first grade year. Students should understand the concept of compound words, contractions, and basic spelling rules. Spelling three and four letter words that include a short vowel sound. We also hope that they can alphabetize words. The First Grade worksheets categories below will help students ...
This set of worksheets were developed specifically for first grade students (Grade 1). You will find five Language Arts units. Each unit contains a cryptogram, spelling, vocabulary quiz, word chop, word scramble, word list, and word search worksheet. Each of the sets has nine unit worksheets...
Free 1st grade math worksheets, organized by topic. Number charts, addition, subtraction, telling time, comparing & ordering numbers, counting money, measurement, geometry, word problems and more. No login required.
Welcome to our First Grade Addition Worksheets. Here you will find a wide range of free addition worksheets for first graders, which will help your child learn to write and use addition sentences up to 12. Using addition sentences is a great way to give children a picture of what addition ...
More First Grade Phonics Worksheets & Resources Free Phonics Worksheets- These free phonics worksheets will grab your students' attention and help to make learning fun! We've sorted our worksheets by topic to make your preparation super-simple. ...
Using these sheets will help your child to: add and subtract within 10; count objects up to 20 in random arrangements; We hope you enjoy our series of first grade math worksheets halloween themed. The pages have been split up into two sections, the first section contains our counting workshe...
How is your first grader’s reading? Do they sound more like a stop-and-go robot than a smooth, confident reader? How can we help beginning readers improve their reading fluency? Two words: Sight Words! Using activities like these free printable first grade sight words worksheets are an ...
《First Grade Math WORKSHE》共四册数学认知启蒙练习册,分别为place value worksheets(位置)、geometry worksheets(形状)、numbersense worksheets(数字)、、telling time worksheets(时间),每册有超过150张worksheet. 四册超过了700页。内页截图:商品评论评论(159人参与,18条评论) 发布 最新评论 dddoll 2025年01...