P189【189】listening centers in first grade_ using audiobooks to foster a love for rea 01:14 P190【190】making apple sauce_ learning procedure writing in kindergarten (virtual tou 00:52 P191【191】making it real!_ using sentence strips with pictures to retell a lived expe 00:38 P192【192...
因为第一句往往是该段的主题句(topic sentence), 而第二句往往是对前句的延伸(extension)或进一 步的解释(explanation)。最后一句时要放慢速度 完全消化作者对段落的小结(conclusion),因为该 小结有可能与主题句截然相反或引导读者进入下一 个段落。 通过扫读寻找特定信息或特定词组 运用扫读(scanning...
The smell of wall paint; Molly, her friend; Miss Sharp’s smile; her favorite activity: drawing pictures. Hello, my name is Martha, I’m _1_6_ years old and live in N__e_w__Y_o_r_k_. I’m in _te_n_t_h_ grade in Senior High school. My favorite subjects a...
24. How to make pumpkin pie – This is a great fall writing activity near Thanksgiving. Pick up the ingredients for an easy, no-bake pumpkin pie to make with your students and then have themwrite the steps for how to make pumpkin pie! 25. Another fun fall writing activity is how to ...
Vocabulary Words:As you are reading the story introduce newvocabulary words from the story. As students to try to use the new words in a sentence or have students write sentences using them in context. Writing Activities Writing Activity – Retell “A Bad Case of Stripes”:Encourage students ...
And the best way to simplify your central idea is to write it as a single premise sentence. 2. A Premise Becomes the Foundation of Your Book You have to make a lot of decisions when you're writing a book. Should you add a new subplot? Does this bit of research fit into your articl...
Beyond first grade: examining word, sentence, and discourse text factors associated with oral reading rate in informational text in second gradeText complexityOral reading rateReading fluencyMultilevel modelingText complexity in elementary classrooms is typically measured by traditional readability tools, ...
A项,从 Teddy 的故事,Mrs. Thompson 学会了如何真正地关爱学生,符合文章主旨。B项,Mrs. Thompson 最终学会了教学生阅读,写作和算术。由第三段两句 "On the very day, she quit teaching reading, and writing, and arithmetic. Instead she began to teach children." 可知,所给句的 teach 并不是具体地教...
Read the passage again.Then answer me the following questions:What is your first memory of school? What was your favorite activity when you wre in first grade? While-writing Give students some guidens, such as to pay attention to the punctuation, sentence structure and the tense.Ten minutes ...
And the best way to simplify your central idea is to write it as a single premise sentence. 2. A Premise Becomes the Foundation of Your Book You have to make a lot of decisions when you're writing a book. Should you add a new subplot? Does this bit of research fit into your articl...