Save these ideas for later! Welcome To My Crayon Themed Classroom As you enter my room you're greeted with a brand new quote on my door. A friend made this for me with her Cricut machine. I loved that she added a little crayon to match my theme! Morning Chores The first thing my...
ESL First Grade Classroom Management IdeasKara Page
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This application is for kids around the world, It would be a perfect app to make your kids fluent in English! 6 Features * Reading - Your kids will learn how to spell and pronounce the first letter of animals from A to Z. It would keep your baby laug...
First-grade reading curriculum introduces children to printed materials and to the sounds and syllables that make up words. And over the course of the school year, first-graders will start to understand how the ideas in books apply to the world around them. As of 2013, most U.S. states h...
Screenshots iPad iPhone Description This application is for kids around the world, It would be a perfect app to make your kids fluent in English! 6 Features * Reading - Your kids will learn how to spell and pronounce the first letter of animals from A to Z. It would ...
First-grade classroom behavior: its short- and long-term consequences for school performance. L. (1993). First-grade classroom behavior: Its short- and long-term consequences for school performance. Child Development, 64, 801-814... KL Alexander,DR Entwisle,SL Dauber - 《Child Development》 被...
Encourage students to brainstorm and share their ideas about how they want their classroom to look, sound, and feel. Once everyone has shared their ideas, everyone can vote on their favorite ideas for what they believe is most important in a “great” classroom. After that, determine the mos...
5. Writing about pictures: Eliciting descriptive writing from second language learners in a second grade classroom. [D] . Daley, Angela B. 2002 机译:关于图片的写作:在二年级的教室中从第二语言学习者那里选出描述性写作。 6. Teacher Written Feedback on English as a Foreign Language Learners’...
And then the teacher come to the laboratory, find the books from Class 3 of Grade 1 and start moving them separately. I moved Character and Life to the classroom on the fourth floor in one go, while the other students also moved the book back and forth until they finished. Everyone was...
Reading short funny poems written by first graders is a unique experience. They don't always understand the concepts of theme, unity, rhyming, etc., but they can somehow get their ideas across! 1st Grade Poems 1st Grade Poems are often used in the classroom to help in the development of ...