As Told by The Supplier: Trade Credit and The Cross Section of Stock Returns The effect of the US holidays on the European markets, When the cat's away - Muga, Casado, Santamaria Search Frictions and the Liquidity of Large Blocks of Shares - Schroth and Albuquerque Economic Risk Premia in...
Cities within a steppe environment and in societies based on pastoral nomadism are an often overlooked theme in the anthropological literature. Yet, with Karakorum, the first capital of the Mongol Empire (AD 1206–1368), we have a supreme example of such a city in the central landscape of the...
Regulation B: Developed by the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, Regulation B is designed to grant the right to credit lending regardless of factors such as race, age, or disability status. Regulation B also provides the rights of applicants to receive information on the status changes of ...