系统会编译你的1.c和2.c的. 再include一次 就会导致1.c和2.c重复编译. 于是报错.
51CTO博客已为您找到关于first defined here的相关内容,包含IT学习相关文档代码介绍、相关教程视频课程,以及first defined here问答内容。更多first defined here相关解答可以来51CTO博客参与分享和学习,帮助广大IT技术人实现成长和进步。
stb_imagemultipledefinitionoffirstdefinedhere。。。解决办法:预先定义 STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATION STB_IMAGE_STATIC 两个宏。⾸先吐槽⼀下,⽹上的其他的⼀些内容都是瞎写,根本没有指出问题的根本原因,使⽤时出现异常情况不能⾃⼰解决也说明了C语⾔基础不牢固,该头⽂件可以分为两种情况使⽤...
stb_image multiple definition of first defined here 多文件包含问题 解决办法:预先定义STB_IMAGE_IMPLEMENTATIONSTB_IMAGE_STATIC两个宏。 首先吐槽一下,网上的其他的一些内容都是瞎写,根本没有指出问题的根本原因,使用时出现异常情况不能自己解决也说明了C语言基础不牢固, ...
I have the following HTML markup, and have the following styles defined, fiddle can be found here, https://jsfiddle.net/yh76h0f9/ Now I would like to make this section responsive, but when I set the c... Printing ERROR and INFO messages in Log file ...
aFAVORITE HISTORICAL PERSON 喜爱的历史人[translate] aAn infrared background is defined to include the contributions of 红外背景被定义包括贡献[translate] aThe first shows a sharp weight loss of 25.32% between room temperature to 250℃ 一个显示锋利的减重25.32%在室温之间对250℃[translate]...
if defined var (echo var=%var%) else echo var尚未定义! pause>nul === 对比可知,"set var="可以取消变量,收回变量所占据的内存空间。 4、结果判断 masm %1.asm if errorlevel 1 pause & edit %1.asm link %1.obj 先对源代码进行汇编,如果失败则暂停显示错误信息,并在按...
* "BSP" pointer from PostgresMain to here. Logic is just as above, * except that we know IA64's register stack grows up. * * Note we assume that the same max_stack_depth applies to both stacks. */#ifdefined(__ia64__) || defined(__ia64)stack_depth=(long)(ia64_get_bsp()-...
int codes[SIZE];的文件范围声明是一个试探性定义的原因在于C语言的发展历史。C语言并不是事先完全规划...