a first course in abstract algebra fraleigh 中文版 a first course in abstract algebra fraleigh 中文版中文意思为:第一堂抽象代数课程fraleigh中文版©2022 Baidu |由 百度智能云 提供计算服务 | 使用百度前必读 | 文库协议 | 网站地图 | 百度营销 ...
喜欢读"A First Course in Abstract Algebra"的人也喜欢 ··· 近世代数三百题 9.1 Mathematics and Its History 9.4 高等代数简明教程(下册) 9.1 集合论 7.8 Introduction to Automata Theory, L... 8.7 数论导引 9.6 A Mathematical Introduction to Logi... 8.7 Logic for Mathematicians...
Considered a classic by many, A First Course in Abstract Algebra, Seventh Edition is an in-depth introduction to abstract algebra. Focused on groups, rings and fields, this text gives students a firm foundation for more specialized work by emphasizing an understanding of the nature of algebraic ...
如果对任意a \in R,有ua=au=a,则u是unity或叫multiplicative identity,记作1。 对trivial的ring {0}(我们叫zero ring)有0=1,所以我们只讨论non-trivial的情况。 === Ring Isomorphisms === 如果有一个bijective function能preserves algebra(包括加法和乘法),我们就说两个ring是isomorphic的。 === Domains ...
如果对ring,存在从R到S的映射, s.t. preserve addition&multiplication for all element in R,我们就说这个映射是Homomorphism(同态)的。 我们之前在Part II讲了isomorphism(同构)。Isomorphism事实上就是bijective homomorphism. e.g. 从Z到Z[4]的映射f(m)=[m]4是homomorphism——因为它保持addition和multiplicati...
《A First Course in Abstract Algebra, 7th Edition》作者:Addison Wesley,出版社:2002年11月,ISBN:。Consideredaclassicbymany,AFirstCourseinAbstractAlg
AFirstCourseinAbstractAlgebra,2003,JohnB.Fraleigh,8177589008, 9788177589009,PearsonEducation,2003 DOWNLOADhttp://bit.ly/1Fa34dFhttp://goo.gl/RaJP7http://.amazon/s/?url=search-alias=stripbooks&field-keywords=A+First+Course+in+Abstract+Algebra DOWNLOAD http://t.co/F3D7BQsTvShttp://avaxsearch...
Alg Rotman First Course In Abstract Algebra With Applications 星级: 629 页 A First Course in Abstract Algebra 3rd ed (Joseph J Rotman) 星级: 629 页 Prentice Hall A FIRST COURSE IN ABSTRACT ALGEBRA Third Edition JOSEPH J ROTMAN 星级: 796 页 88334448-A-First-Course-in-Abstract-Algebra-...
First Course in Abstract Algebra, A, 7/EJohn B. Fraleigh