Complete the following sentences to form first conditional sentences. The first conditional or open conditional is used to talk about real and possible situations. Watch thisYoutube video to better understand the correct use of first conditional. In the first conditional, we use a simple present te...
Language Focus: A review of the future real (first conditional) and present and future unreal conditional (second conditional). Includes practice exercises. Worksheet Download:first-second-conditional-worksheet.docx(scroll down to study the exercises online) Jump to: Future Real (below),Future Unreal...
Inadditiontothebasicvocabulary,thecoursewarealsointroductionsmoreadvancedwordsthatcanenrichstudents'languageexpression,suchasobjectives,advertisements,phrasalverbs,etc Wordcombinations Thecourseprovidesalistofcommonwordcombinationsandtheirmeanings,helpingstudentslearnhowtousethesewordstogethertoformmorecomplexsentences ...