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afree of danger. 免于危险。[translate] aOh,I can'他 think of the other any more 噢, I can'他再认为其他[translate] aHow about doing sth 做sth怎么样[translate] amake first-class cars in the world. 做头等汽车在世界上。[translate]
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Volvo Cars is aiming to find the format that attracts customers. Four top-class seatsIt goes without saying that all these properties are reflected in the ACC's design language. Like the Volvo S60, the Volvo ACC has what is known as a "cab forward" appearance; in other words, the ...
第1课 汽车的种类(Type first class car).doc,第1课 汽车的种类(Type first class car) The first lesson of car types The automobile industry is a fast developing industry. From the late eighteenth Century, when the first car on the road, the automobile i
第1课汽车的种类(Typefirstclasscar) Thefirstlessonofcartypes Theautomobileindustryisafastdevelopingindustry.Fromthe lateeighteenthCentury,whenthefirstcarontheroad,the automobileindustryisdevelopingatanamazingspeed.There aretensofthousandsoffactoriestoproducedifferenttypes ofmanufacturingvariouscarsaroundtheworldnow.The ...
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