Finally, you need an EIN or Employer Identification Number. This is obtained from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and is used to identify your business for tax purposes and enables you to apply for licences and permits as well as open bank accounts. US citizens...
Fax: 601-957-6838FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AMFIRST INSURANCE COMPANY IS APPROVED AS A MEMBER OF THE FEDERAL HOME LOAN BANK OF DALLAS.AmFirst Insurance Company becomes member of the Federal Home Loan Bank of Dallas.Posted July 31, 2003 in Oklahoma City, OK Am...
Every State in the Union has a Statute similar to the Illinois statute addressing the 14thAmendment’s prohibition on indenturing citizens for the benefit of public officials such as guardians and protection all citizens so that they enjoy the RULE OF LAW. In the Britney Spears case, the Califo...
citizens with proper credentials ... Pentagon staff reductions are part of move to cut defense budget-Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel will trim about 200 work- ers from his office and decrease the number of government contractors by 2019 in an effort to save at least $1 billion over the next ...
A number of writers have described the Danish immigrant experience. Most, however, have written in Danish. Kristian Østergaard (1855-1931) wrote both poetry and fiction; his five novels combine fantastic tales of Indians, horse thieves, and bank robbers with accounts of Danish immigrants strugg...
Trace elements exist even in distilled water, and when the charged silver particles combine with a specific trace element, the solution can turn one of a number of colors, like gray, yellow, green or brown. The element the silver chooses is largely irrelevant: Once in the body, the silver...