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First Christian Church 1.6 热度 4分 2条点评 开园中 8:30-16:30开放 实用攻略 1314 SW Park Ave, Portland, OR 97201 地图·周边 用户点评(2)查看全部 4/5分 好评2 泰宁根吴承恩 4分 满意 波特兰众多教堂里面的一座的,也是比较古老的一座的。这里有很宏伟的建筑外观,而且里面的装修也很...
Fellowship — 10:00 AM Sunday Worship Service — 10:30 AM Sunday Bible Study — 11:00 AM Tuesday News and Prayer — 10:00 AM Wednesdays Worship Service and News and Prayer on Facebook at FCC Sebring and Current WORSHIP BULLETIN To know more about FCC Sebrin...
Service Times Sunday School for all ages 9:00 am Sunday Worship 10:00am Junior Worship 10:00 am We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started. First Name Last Name Email Message Send
First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is a place of family, community and hope who are making disciples who make a difference. Pursue a life of hope and faith in following Christ. Grow and find your purpose in life.
First Christian Church - Blackwell Sunday Morning @ 10:30am Directions First Christian Church - Blackwell 306 E. Coolidge Blackwell, OK 74631 Online Giving EG: Help your local Church meet the needs of the homeless in your local area by using our online giving tool. We will even send you...
First Christian Church Miami, Oklahoma is an independent Christian church in Miami, OK striving to love God and love others.
First Christian Church 1.7 热度 今日已闭园 明日8:30-16:30开放 实用攻略 531 5th St, Columbus, IN 47201美国 地图·周边 暂无点评 快来发表第一条点评~ 写点评 暂无回答 不知道怎么玩?问问旅行达人 去提问 景点附近 美食 景点 购物 Buca di Beppo Italian Restaurant ¥179/人 西餐 直线距离49...
First Christian Church is located just north of Guntown off of Hwy 45. (Approximately 12 miles north of the mall at Barnes Crossing and 12 miles south of Booneville) From Hwy45 take the Pratt/Friendship Road exit. FCC is located across the road from the first stop sign....
First Christian Church At FCC, we hope to help you grow closer to Jesus as we seek to help you connect with others who are the same journey with Jesus as you are right now! The journey is much better when you are experiencing it with others. At FCC, we provide many ways for you to...