css中关于first-child的问题 p:first-child { color:blue; } This is some text. This is some text. Note:For :first-child to work in IE8 and earlier,a DOCTYPE must be declared. p:first-child{color:blue;}, 答案 您好:这句的意思就是:给p标签中的第一个子元素的字体颜色设置为蓝色.匹配条...
Next, utilize the parent tag which is “body” and the child tag which is “a“ along with “:not(:first-child))” selector within the style sheet. Then, add the CSS “color” property with the value “green”; color will be applied on all elements except the first child: body a...
p > em:first-child{font-weight:bold}I am a strong man. I am a strong man.I am a strong man. I am a strong man.例子3 - 匹配所有第一个子元素 元素中的所有 元素在下面的例子中,选择器匹配属于其他元素的第一个子元素的 元素中的所有 :p:first-child em{font-weight:bold}I am a...
The:first-child selectoris a pseudo-class in CSS that allows you to target the first child element within a parent container. It selects elements that are the first immediate child of their parent. This powerful selector makes it easier to apply unique styles or modifications to that specific...
css 代码 .user-wrapper{display:flex;align-items:center;.userinfo-item{margin-left:16px;&:first-child{border:1px solid red}&:last-child:{border:1px solid red;}} 发现last-child 和 first child 中的样式不生效。然后把 html 中 class 为 userinfo-item 的 div 前后的元素都去掉,last-child 和 fi...
An example showing how to use :first-child CSS selector. <!DOCTYPE HTML> Example :first-child { <!-- www.j av a 2 s . c om--> border: thin black solid; padding: 4px; } I like HTML and CSS. Click to view the demoExample 2 We can use the :first-child selector...
This pseudo-class matches an element only if it’s the first child element of its parent element.
CSS not:first-child selector Thenot:first-child selectoras the name suggests is used to select every element which is not the first child element of it's deriving parent element. Pretty simple right? The selector is not used for choosing the first child of its parent element. This select...