Additionally, information through radio and television addressing issues of early marriage empowers parents and their children to fight against the social pressures of early marriage. In a country like India, where marriage embarks on the onset of childbearing, the age at marriage has a significant...
1921: First radio broadcast of an MLB game On Aug. 5, 1921, local Pittsburgh radio station KDKA aired the Pittsburgh Pirates' 8-5 win over the Philadelphia Phillies. Radio soon became synonymous with baseball, where voices like Vin Scully, Mel Allen, and Bob Murphy charmed millions of listen...
making it easy to use. One of the best natural-voice interfaces available, Google Assistant, is fully integrated and activates by saying, "Hey, Google." As the driver or passenger, I could ask the system for directions, change the radio station, make a phone ...
9. (3) Scott McLaughlin, Chevrolet, 59.5741 (108.772) 10. (11) Marcus Armstrong, Honda, 59.6127 (108.702) ROW 6 11. (9) Scott Dixon, Honda, 59.8483 (108.274) 12. (45) Christian Lundgaard, Honda, 01:00.0172 (107.969) ROW 7
Radon undergoes radioactive decay only, and the concentration of its short-life decay products matches the time variations in the concentration of unreactive atmospheric pollutants emitted with a constant rate. Thus, the study of the time pattern of natural radioactivity allows an easy uncoupling of...
To maintain their participation in vocational activities, participants expressed being diligent about wearing masks, washing their hands and wheels, maintaining social distance, avoiding touching their face, using gloves, cleaning their car often, and mapping out an itinerary before leaving the house (i...
We're the bank that puts you first! Experience innovative financial solutions & excellent service through community-based offices located in VA, TN, & NC.
First president ever to have his voice broadcast on the radio, June 14, 1922. Died, probably from a heart attack, in a room at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, Calif., August 2, 1923 (age 57 years, 273 days). The claim that he was poisoned by his wife is not accepted by ...
In that first radio visit Roosevelt began by explaining how the banking system worked : "When you put money in a bank the bank does not place the money into a safe-deposit vault(金库房). It invests (投资)your money in many different forms." He went on to announce that the banks would...
Preparation and properties of radio-frequency-sputtered half-Heusler films for use in solar cells Thin Solid Films, 519 (2011), p. 1866, 10.1016/j.tsf.2010.10.045 View PDFView articleView in ScopusGoogle Scholar [41] A. Mewis Preparation and Crystal Structure of MgCuP, BaCuP(As) and BaA...