We considered the full data set of affiliation and single roll-call votes of the members of the US Congress, and we built a weighted graph among members of each chamber in each term between 1929 and 2016, where the weight of the edge connecting two nodes is equal to the number of times...
Author Contributions: Drs Schpero and Bond had full access to all of the data in the study and take responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Khullar, Schpero, Bond, Casalino. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Khu...
Author Message kfriis Posts: 563 Joined: Sun Oct 10, 2021 10:14 am Real Name: Kurt Friis Hansen iPhone 15 Pro first light Fri Sep 22, 2023 7:50 pm My iPhone 15 Pro 256GB Black arrived around noon (CET summertime) today (September 22), delivered by UPS at my doorstep.Working ...
…the one who grew his hair out to fit in with the “goth” crowd, the one who put on eyeliner and dyed his hair black and said he was a vampire and informally changed his name to Dramir and later to Vladmir on his Columbia House account and changed his religious affiliation from pag...
Author Contributions: Dr Glance had full access to all of the data in the study and takes responsibility for the integrity of the data and the accuracy of the data analysis. Concept and design: Glance, Thirukumaran, Dick. Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: Glance, Feng, Lusti...
In this section we show how\({\widetilde{\tau }}_{\alpha \beta }\)can be used to quantify the level of polarisation in roll-call votes in the US congress42,43,44, and to keep track of its evolution over time. We considered the full data set of affiliation and single roll-call vo...
See story: https://wp.me/pye39-ib. WRONG DOESN’T HAVE A PARTY AFFILIATION! YOU SHOULD KNOW BETTER! This is a HUMANITY concern, NOT Dem or GOP, NOT left wing or right wing when they both wings on the same bird! Truth hurts, to Dems and GOP when you’re WRONG!
The genus is named because it is the first true millipede with more than 1000 legs. The nameEumillipesis a combination of the Greekeu-, meaning ‘true’; Latinmille, ‘thousand’; and Latinpes, ‘foot’. It is to be treated as a noun. The species epithet is derived from the Greek ...
which are shared between individuals or groups of individuals. Most of these changes are of no functional consequence, such as using either American or British spelling for color/colour; the meaning is still the same. However, occasionally, there is a functional change that can result in a phen...
aftermath of nuclear war was claimed to be "grim" but the fact that it was also one that was common to low budget horror films throughout the 1950s was carefully avoided by reviews, which did not associate the film with this exploitation tradition or even imply any generic affiliation at ...