The Grace of God in Christ was the anchor that held him hard by the cross of Calvary as his hearers would readily admit whether they had received that grace or no. As a pulpit Orator, Rev. Philips was the equal if not the superior of a sonorous voice quite pleasing and of great ...
Okay my facepalm has no penetrated my skull and is making way west to Springfield, Mass. Now seeing frigid Buffalo New York. Onto Chicago. Hello to South Dakota. Getting toked in Colorado. Hello to Sunny California! And finally we end (plot twist) in fucken Japan. Wait the OP isn’t ...
Interment at Calvary Cemetery, Faribault, Minn. Relatives: Son of Jean Baptiste Faribault and Elizabeth (Piligle) Faribault; brother of Lucy Faribault (who married Alexis C. Bailly); married to Mary Elizabeth Graham; uncle of Alexis Phillip Bailly and Henry G. Bailly. Political family: ...