Acting upon target stimuli from the environment becomes faster when the targets are preceded by a warning (alerting) cue. Accordingly, alerting is often used to support action in safety-critical contexts (e.g., honking to alert others of a traffic situat
We derive this method from several intuitive observations that are generalized from existing first order optimization methods.doi:10.1097/MLG.0b013e31816ed587Peng ChengMathematics
评分: 东京的孩子 人群症候群、割腕自残...我们的生活方式是这么不被... 评分: 辉夜妹红杂志写真集 妹红与辉夜的各种写真集 评分: 东京! 东京的某间高中、某个班级裡,偶然聚集了以东京各车站... 评分: 生于东京,长于东京 基于《少年的深渊》世界观下的特别短篇!眼前之人,与... 评分...
型号 LFP12120 深圳市一电电池技术有限公司成立于1993年,是阀控式免维护铅酸蓄电池的生产及技术的者。经过持续、稳定的发展,生产基地面积总计超过8万平方米,是国内生产铅酸蓄电池的厂家之一。 公司在香港以及国内十余个省市设有分公司或办事处,同时在泰国、新加坡、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国等设有办事处,产品出口量达...
雪橇犬 1080P英语英字 Sled Dogs 小猫咪字幕组 【纪录片】狗狗101(狗狗百科) 我英俊地笑了 43:55 【纪录片】猫的历史【自制中字】 salyukafka 04:26 狗为什么越来越像人了? 刘大可先生- 15.0万719 01:09 宠物研究Z所长 00:40 2万年前的狗勾是怎么被驯服的 ...
A new species of rock-dwelling Leiolepis is described from the Khorat Plateau in northeastern Thailand. Leiolepis glaurung sp. nov. can be differentiated from all other sexual species of Leiolepis by a combination of having a black gular region with a wide medial ...
Endocrinology . First published ahead of print July 12 , 2007 as doi : 10 . 1210 / en . 2007-0150 LIVER X RECEPTOR ALPHA GENE EXPRESSION IS POSITIVELY REGULATEDReceptor, Liver XGene, AlphaIs, ExpressionRegulated, PositivelyHormone, B Y Thyroid...
Bösinger , P. Pollari , E. Turunen , and M. Rietveld ( 2000 ), First EISCAT measurement of electron-gas temperature in the artificially heated D -region ionosphere , Ann. Geophys. , 18 , 1210 – 1215 .Kero A, Bosinger T, Pollar P, et al. First EISCAT measurement of electron-...
We conclude that the model could be useful in meeting the many competing demands of today's test-based accountability assessments, although many research questions will need to be answered in future studies.Isaac I. BejarETSE. Aurora Graf
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