2.1.290 Part 1 Section 17.9.23, pStyle (Paragraph Style's Associated Numbering Level) 2.1.291 Part 1 Section 17.9.24, rPr (Numbering Symbol Run Properties) 2.1.292 Part 1 Section 17.9.25, start (Starting Value) 2.1.293 Part 1 Section 17.9.27, styleLink (Numbering Style ...
Acting upon target stimuli from the environment becomes faster when the targets are preceded by a warning (alerting) cue. Accordingly, alerting is often used to support action in safety-critical contexts (e.g., honking to alert others of a traffic situat
2.1.382 Part 3 Section 16.21.2, table:first-row Article 05/22/2024 Feedback a. The standard defines the element <table:first-row>, contained within the parent element <table:table-template> This element is not supported in Microsoft Word 2013 or later....
nov. has reduced or no ability to expand its flanks. We hypothesize this is an adaptation to reduce their body diameter to better fit into smaller rocky burrows unlike the larger and deeper burrows constructed in looser soils by other Leiolepis species. This discover...
Step size adaptation in first-order method for stochastic strongly convex programmingAgedCarcinoma, Squamous CellDisease-Free SurvivalDose Fractionation老年人癌, 鳞状细胞无病生存放射剂量分次随访研究淋巴转移We propose a first-order method for stochastic strongly convex optimization that attains $O(1/n)$ ...
型号 LFP12120 深圳市一电电池技术有限公司成立于1993年,是阀控式免维护铅酸蓄电池的生产及技术的者。经过持续、稳定的发展,生产基地面积总计超过8万平方米,是国内生产铅酸蓄电池的厂家之一。 公司在香港以及国内十余个省市设有分公司或办事处,同时在泰国、新加坡、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国等设有办事处,产品出口量达...
评分: 东京的孩子 人群症候群、割腕自残...我们的生活方式是这么不被... 评分: 辉夜妹红杂志写真集 妹红与辉夜的各种写真集 评分: 东京! 东京的某间高中、某个班级裡,偶然聚集了以东京各车站... 评分: 生于东京,长于东京 基于《少年的深渊》世界观下的特别短篇!眼前之人,与... 评分...
雪橇犬 1080P英语英字 Sled Dogs 小猫咪字幕组 【纪录片】狗狗101(狗狗百科) 我英俊地笑了 43:55 【纪录片】猫的历史【自制中字】 salyukafka 04:26 狗为什么越来越像人了? 刘大可先生- 15.0万719 01:09 宠物研究Z所长 00:40 2万年前的狗勾是怎么被驯服的 ...
2.1.374 Part 1 Section 16.19.4, table:first-column Article 2021/08/18 1 contributor Feedback a. The standard defines the element <table:first-column>, contained within the parent element <table:table-template>This element is not supported in Word 2013, Word 2016, or Word 2019....
Endocrinology . First published ahead of print July 12 , 2007 as doi : 10 . 1210 / en . 2007-0150 LIVER X RECEPTOR ALPHA GENE EXPRESSION IS POSITIVELY REGULATEDReceptor, Liver XGene, AlphaIs, ExpressionRegulated, PositivelyHormone, B Y Thyroid...