SELECT @Version = '8.22', @VersionDate = '20241019'; IF(@VersionCheckMode = 1) BEGIN RETURN; END; IF @Help = 1 BEGIN PRINT ' sp_BlitzFirst from This script gives you a prioritized list of why your SQL Server is slow right now. This is not an overall...
CreateTable( Casino.SlotMachines", c => new { Id = c.Int(nullable: false, identity: true), SlotMachineType = c.Int(nullable: false), SerialNumber = c.String(maxLength: 4000), HotelId = c.Int(nullable: false), DateInService = c.DateTime(nullable: false), HasQuietMode = c.Boolean(...
_NewItemAlertRuleAction _NoteItem _NotesModule _OlkBusinessCardControl _OlkCategory _OlkCheckBox _OlkComboBox _OlkCommandButton _OlkContactPhoto _OlkDateControl _OlkFrameHeader _OlkInfoBar _OlkLabel _OlkListBox _OlkOptionButton _OlkPageControl _OlkSenderPhoto _OlkTextBox _OlkTimeControl _...
$Status = Get-SPServiceInstance $RS.Id.ToString() While ($Status.Status -ne "Online") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "SSRS Service Not Online...Current Status = " $Status.Status Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 $Status = Get-SPServiceInstance $RS.Id.ToString() } $time=Get-D...
SubAssessmentStatusCode SubPlan SupportedCloudEnum SuppressionAlertsScope SystemData Tactics Tags TagsResource TaskUpdateActionType Techniques Threats ThresholdCustomAlertRule TimeWindowCustomAlertRule TopologyResource TopologyResourceProperties TopologySingleResource TopologySingleResourceChild TopologySingleResou...
$Status = Get-SPServiceInstance $RS.Id.ToString() While ($Status.Status -ne "Online") { Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "SSRS Service Not Online...Current Status = " $Status.Status Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 $Status = Get-SPServiceInstance $RS.Id.ToString() } $time=Get-Date write-host...
@value=N'The date the version was publicly released.' , @level0type=N'SCHEMA',@level0name=N'dbo', @level1type=N'TABLE',@level1name=N'SqlServerVersions', @level2type=N'COLUMN',@level2name=N'ReleaseDate' EXEC sys.sp_addextendedproperty @name=N'Description', @value=N'The date main ...
Here's what our First Alert Weather team is tracking. By Brandon Downs 5:31 PM / March 3, 2024 Highway 50 traffic The city of South Lake Tahoe says there is heavy traffic heading toward Meyers on Highway 50. People who are traveling should expect delays. ...
EndDateRecurrence EndDateTime EndNodeUrl EndTime EndTime (ReminderMessageDataType) EndTimeInMinutes EndTimeZone EndTimeZoneId EndWallClock EnhancedLocation EntityExtractionResult Entry (EmailAddress) Entry (IMAddress) Entry (PhoneNumber) Entry (PhysicalAddress) Error Errors ErrorCode ErrorCode (int) Err...
给大家分享一个用CSS 3.0实现的创意点击按钮,效果如下: 以下是代码实现,欢迎大家复制粘贴和收藏。 <...