asthma attack, bronchial asthma bronchospasm - a spasm of the bronchi that makes exhalation difficult and noisy; associated with asthma and bronchitis respiratory disease, respiratory disorder, respiratory illness - a disease affecting the respiratory system status asthmaticus - a prolonged and severe asth...
Asthmatic attack Anaphylaxis from an insect bite or sting or from food or product allergy Inhalation injuries Altitude sickness. Loss of Consciousness.Describe the symptoms and signs of, show first aid for, and explain prevention of these conditions causing loss of consciousness: Fainting Hypoglycemia ...
Heart attack Strokes Asthmatic Crises Fainting and Loss of Consciousness Hypoglycemia Bone Fractures -Environmental Emergencies Bites Allergic Reactions Stings Ingestion of Toxic Elements -Preventing Accidents -How to prevent the most commun accidents ...
Asthma attacks哮喘发作 A severe asthma attack can be fatal.严重的哮喘发作可能是致命的。People who are asthmatic should always carry a reliever inhaler with them.谁是哮喘的人应该总是随身带着药吸入器。 ·Give the reliever inhaler straightaway.·给的药吸入器通俗易懂。 ·Sit the casualty down, ...
You can now track sleep patterns by measuring brainwaves, or have a GPS system that tracks a sensor attached to an asthma inhaler to warn you of environmental triggers that can bring about an asthma attack; you can buy a wristband that monitors your vital signs like heart rate and skin ...
The asthmatic child has a life course that is literally bookended by NCDs unless and until we approach medicine and healthcare differently. Table 1. Comorbidities of Asthma. Asthma is one of the diseases where symptoms are controlled often by multiple prescribed medications. But actual cures ...