最近要开始在Kinder工作了,时间紧迫,所以决定赶紧把CPR和First Aid的证书考下来。没想到,一天半的时间竟然搞定了!😅 选择网站 首先,选了个网站来学习,最后选了cprfirstaid。这个网站还挺靠谱的,价格也不贵,只要110刀。课程包括3.5小时的线下课和线上的理论学习。图二就是我在这个网站上看到的界面。 课程安排 线...
The American Heart Association (AHA) has taken steps to simplify the process of helping victims ofcardiac arrestby introducing "hands-only" CPR. Since only about 1/3 of people who suffer a cardiac arrest at home or at a public place actually receive help, bystanders could be afraid to initi...
CPR(cardiopulmonary resuscitation 心肺复苏术)and first aid are related topics. It could be said that first aid is the more general of the two, and training in first aid might include instructions and practice on how to respond to a variety of medical emergencies that could be posing threat ...
Course Summary Ensure you have a good understanding of first aid and CPR training by exploring the lessons in this course. Review quality information about emergency response, rescue techniques, heart attacks and strokes as you prepare for a class test or complete a homework assignment. ...
First Aid/CPRBy Phillip J. Waite, Published on 08/01/10Waite, Phillip J
美国心脏协会(AHA)国际认证HeartSaver® First Aid CPR AED培训课程,由AHA专业认证导师进行培训。旨在加强公众安全急救理念、提高急救技能,让普通民众用专业的态度,为家人、朋友、社会带来更多的帮助。 √ 国际通用证书 ● First Aid课程国际急救证书 √ 专业人员授课 ...
HeartSaver®First Aid CPR AED拯救心脏急救认证培训 ■基本急救-First Aid 一般急救:如何求助、如何发现问题、如何摘脱手套、正确防护自己; 内科急症:心脏病、脑卒中、糖尿病、过敏; 外科急症:纱布止血、绷带及止血包扎、骨折固定、烧伤、烫伤; 环境突发:蛇咬伤、溺水、触电、中暑、热痉挛; ...
HeartSaver®First Aid CPR AED拯救心脏急救认证培训 ■基本急救-First Aid 一般急救:如何求助、如何发现问题、如何摘脱手套、正确防护自己; 内科急症:心脏病、脑卒中、糖尿病、过敏; 外科急症:纱布止血、绷带及止血包扎、骨折固定、烧伤、...
Here's what the First Aid and CPR Manual looks like… Check out these related articles: What Is The Longest Amount Of Time Someone Has Had CPR And Survived? Legal Issues in First Aid: The Law Is (Mostly) On Your Side Sunburn: What It Is and How to Treat It ...
学员们练习CPR技能和AED操作 心肺复苏术和自动除颤器操作绝对是一个技术活,需要在理解理论的前提下,多做实操,用肌肉记忆法来掌握该项急救技术。本课程的小班教学模式(学员与老师的比例为6:1,模拟人和AED与学员比例标准:1:1:3),多层次的视频流程教学,情景训练,达到循序渐进的训练效果。