We are an offsite training company. We come to you with the training. We offer Pet First Aid & CPR, Active Shooter Awareness, Babysitting training & much more. cpr/aed training
学员们练习CPR技能和AED操作 心肺复苏术和自动除颤器操作绝对是一个技术活,需要在理解理论的前提下,多做实操,用肌肉记忆法来掌握该项急救技术。本课程的小班教学模式(学员与老师的比例为6:1,模拟人和AED与学员比例标准:1:1:3),多层次的视频流程教学,情景训练,达到循序渐进的训练效果。 最后当然少不了我们的大...
美国心脏协会(AHA)国际认证HeartSaver® First Aid CPR AED培训课程,由AHA专业认证导师进行培训。旨在加强公众安全急救理念、提高急救技能,让普通民众用专业的态度,为家人、朋友、社会带来更多的帮助。 √ 国际通用证书 ● First Aid课程国际急救证书 √ 专业人员授课 ● 获得美国心脏协会专业导师授课 √ 授课形式 ...
地址:中国 上海市 黄浦区 普育西路105号(上海市民政局局属公益新天地)6号楼201室 电话:+86(21)6091 8290 电邮:info @ firstaidchina.com 邮编:200011 上海急救培训 | 北京急救培训 | 广州急救培训 | 企业急救培训 | 儿童急救培训 | 英语急救培训 | 救护支持 | 联系我们 | 法律申明 | 网站...
The trainer simulates the real AED machine in terms of training manuals and training procedure, it's used to help the rescuers be familiar with AED and master the basic skills which required to operate AED during the first aid. Features: 1. Accuracy Pre-configured with 10 ...
Description: Compress2Impress offers certification American Heart Association blended learning training for First Aid, CPR, AED and BLS.
知恩应急救护培训中心推出Heart Saver® First Aid CPR AED课程培训,由美国心脏协会专业认证导师进行培训,课程内容包含心肺复苏、脑卒中、心脏病、止血包扎、中暑、热射病等急救内容。知恩安全救护培训中心旨在加强公众安全意识、提高急救技能,让普通民众用专业的态度,为家人、朋友、社会带来更多的帮助。
a first aid, choking or sudden cardiac arrest emergency in the first few minutes until emergency medical services (EMS) arrives. Students learn skills such as how to treat bleeding, sprains, broken bones, shock and other first aid emergencies. This course also teaches adult CPR and AED use. ...
We also offer Group/Onsite training. Request a Quote Recommended For WHAT DOES THE CPR AED class COVER?100% Satisfaction Guarantee All courses meet ILCOR and AHA guidelines 99% of students pass Your certification is nationally recognized and accepted First Aid Certification FAQs Popular questions...
Milwaukee CPR classes, first aid, and AED training courses from Healthline First Aid, Get CPR certified today 414-282-4532.