Christel ROUGET1, Catherine PAPIN1, Anthony BOUREUX, Anne-Cecile MEUNIER, Benedicte FRANCO, Nicolas ROBINE, Eric C. LAI, Alain PELISSON and Martine SIMONELIG1equal first authorsChristel ROUGETCatherine PAPINAnthony BOUREUXAnne-Cécile MEUNIER
of squeezed order number N and cavity mode number q is an even number or qN=2P,and if some certain conditions are satisfied respectively by the sum qj=1φ (a) j, qj=1φ (b) j,of the initial phases of all mode,by the initial phase difference (θ (bI) pq-θ (aR) nq)between ...
Figure2illustrates the distribution of the four resilience indicators. The normality assumption of these phenotypes is paramount for the subsequent analysis. In all cases, normality assumption was not violated. To investigate potential distributional differences among the breeds considered, we conducted a p...
英语翻译The first line of the input contains exactly one positive integer d equal to the number of data sets,1 ≤ d ≤ 10.The data sets follow.Each data set consists of exactly one line containing exactly one integer n,1 ≤ n ≤ 106.The outpu
n the event SELLER fails to timely remedy or otherwise cure any breach of its obligation(s) hereunder BUYER shall have the right on first (1st) demand to claim damage(s) for cause and receive payment equal to no more than a sum equal to the amount of the related payment guarantee.[...
Materials for energy-related applications, which are crucial for a sustainable energy economy, rely on combining materials that form complex heterogenous interfaces. Simultaneously, progress in computational materials science in describing complex interf
of the absorbers and of the copper. The difference in mass between the ZnSe, about 450 g, and the LD, about 1 g, requires the design of different thermal sensors which must take into account the different heat capacities. The entire set-up is enclosed in a light reflector which helps ...
participants first rate perceived safety per transport mode considering a set of images that present some hypothetical scenarios. Second based on their individual ratings, respondents are asked to choose a transport mode for their first/last mile trip; time and cost are integrated as additional factor...
for voltage source to current source conversion. The system adopts three op-amps VCCS circuit (the selected op-amps are AMP03 and TH4032). The working bandwidth of AMP03 is 3 MHz. Its amplification setting resistors are built-in, which can better ensure the accuracy of constant current source...
The efficiency of an operational solar cell can be described by an equivalent electrical circuit, where resistors in series represent the loss of efficiency. The sources of series resistance are the electrical resistances of the absorber, contact layers, and the interfaces between those layers. The ...